Alex Conrad | Sweetener
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”
Age: 24                   Location: Oakland, CA


Alex is a bookshop and cafe owner based in Oakland, California. Growing up, they used to be very self conscious about their dietary restrictions and health problems. Due to being immunocompromised and diabetic, tracking and staying on top of their food intake has always taken a toll on them. With the help of their boyfriend, friends and family and art, Alex is slowly but surely getting better at finding silver linings.



  • Uses a multitude of apps to stay organized but ends up complicating their life
  • Boyfriend helps with calming them down and taking care of their cats
  • Loves to communicate with friends over social media because they value their space
  • "All-in 1" app to help with organization
  • Human encouragement and a sense of community
  • Organized and easy to read nutritional facts
  • A big database for folks who needs more health related help than the average person
  • In-Depth personalized help at the touch of a button


Pain Points

  • Step out of comfort zone
  • To stop overthinking about others' impressions they give off
  • To enjoy a healthy work-nutrition routine
  • Create stable friendships
  • Be in control of decisions
  • Tired from constant planning, tracking, inputting (takes a toll on their mental health)
  • Feeling dependent on others to help with their conditions.
  • Out-dated and unclear information about certain foods and ingredients

Empathy Map


Alex is invited to their friends graduation party. They decide to be there to celebrate their friends achievements but would like more information about the restaurant and their food options.



  • "I'm so proud of her for completeting her masters, I need to be there for her."
  • "Hopefully there won't be too many people there."
  • "I bet I will be the only one with dietary restrictions there."
  • "Maybe it's time to step out of my bubbles and try new things."
  • "I need to plan my day out and meals beforehand in order to stop overthinking."
  • "I wonder if whatever I choose to eat atthe restaurant will be more expensive."
  • Organizes vitamins and medication for their time out
  • Begins to closely track carbohydrate intake days before outing
  • Leaves a high ranking employee in charge of the shop for a few days in order to calm down since anxiety can impact her blood sugar level
  • Looks up restaurant and the menu



  • Wonder if her friends took her condition into account while choosing the restaurant
  • Does not like being the center of attention especially for her eating habits and condition
  • Wants to have a "normal" dining experience with friendds
  • In the past, often had to hold up the dining experience to make the best food decision, so they do not want to repeat that this time
  • Feels like her anxiety is irrational
  • Sometimes feels like a burden on those they care about most
  • Really appreciates when people see past her condition
  • Feels good when people trust them to make the best nutritional decisions for themselves

Journey Map


3 days


Alex is invited to their friends graduation party on Friday. They decide to go but are nervous if their dietary restrictions and tracking habits will be burdensome.

Goals & Expectations

Alex hopes to throughly prepare for the outing with their friends. They are looking to use a product that makes their food tracking easy and less isolating.


Alex, a member of the diabetic US population needs a digital product that can give them nutritional information while still providing a sense of community for those with their condition. This would be beneficial because it would help them feel seen and motivated to continue down their health journey despite all the dietary restrictions placed on them.

How might we inspire people with dietary issue to connect with others digitally?

Amanda Williams | Beginner Supermom
“Healthy body, healthy mind, happy me and family!”
Age: 36                   Location: Plainview, NY


Amanda works as PR specialist in remote environment.She became sensitive to nutrition facts and ingredients after her 5 years old daughter developed multiple food allergies. She makes weekly meal plans for her family and packs lunch for her daughter and husband everyday. She uses apple watch to track her daily exercise level, calorie and nutrition. She is devoted to healthy lifestyle and it would be great to have an app that helps her plan healthy meals with a broad database of nutrition.



  • Cares and devoted for her family and passionate about her work
  • She searches on pinterest for healthy recipes and meal prep ideas
  • he uses apple watch and health app to track her physical activity
  • Morning jogger and she takes weekly pilates class
  • She shops at natural grocery stores and avoids groceries at big box stores like costco
  • To maintain her current weight
  • Quick, easy, healthy recipes that squeezes into her busy life.
  • Detailed ingredient information to avoid allergen.
  • To take break and squeeze in cheat meals and date nights
  • App that tracks both nutrition, calorie and physical activity level
  • Community that shares experience, and tips from different dietary needs


Pain Points

  • To provide health and balanced meal for herself and family
  • Keep a good balance of her work and life
  • Track of nutrition intake and physical activity to develop healthy lifestyle
  • She needs energy to power through the day
  • She is eager to provide healthy, balanced meal for her family but sometimes she is too exhausted from work. But Emma's dietary restriction makes their family hard to dine out
  • She wants to provide same kid experience but hard to find "safe zone" from peanut, soy and egg allergy
  • She doesn't know what to do when there's no nutrition or ingredient information or allergy warning on the menu or box

Empathy Map


Amanda isa working mom and goes to weekly grocery shopping at fairway. She wants well planned meal throughout the week and healthy snakcs for her daughter Emma.



  • "Should I have cheat meal on Wednesday lunch by myself?"
  • "I should make air fryer salmon and broccolini after the meeting, it should be quick and easy "
  • "Emma wants gummy bears and Kinder chocolates that her friends are eating. Is there any alternative to avoid allergy?"
  • "How will Emma feel about herself having dietary restriction? I don't want her to feel like an alien in her class. Is there fun, healthy alternative snacks?"
  • Searches healthy recipes on Pinterest for meal plan
  • Look at schedule to figure out her work load and activity level to figure out her cooking schedule and meal prep
  • Checks pantry and fridge for any refills and leftovers from last week and makes grocery list
  • As she clears of her grocery list, she is looks for healthy clean snacks for her family



  • Concerned about Emma's school life but wants to develop a healthy eating habit because of her dietary restriction
  • She wants to provide the same, normal childhood experience for her daughter
  • Small bursts of joy with little cheating lunchs and date nights
  • Sometimes think if she's restraining herself and family into heatlhy life
  • Feels confident about her career and personal life
  • Enjoys shopping in local markets and going to farmer's market because she can trust the products
  • When she has busy work week, it's hard to catch up with meal plan and has no time to cook
  • Sometimes overwhelmed from both work and life and wishes help from fairy god mother

Journey Map




Amanda is aiming to make a healthy, balanced meal plan for her family. Looking for a healthy recipe that can fulfill the different needs of entire family.

Goals & Expectations

Amanda is looking for "total package" where she can search healthy, ease recipes, search nutritional information and track family nutrition intake.


Amanda, who has a daughter with multiple allergies needs a personalized suggestion that fits into her daughter’s dietary needs and reflects her healthy lifestyle because she wants a faster way to search recipes and to provide the same delicious snack without allergen and a healthier way to indulge.

How might we make food tracker inclusive for families?

Caleb Jacobs | The Fit Bro
“Fitness is the key to aging gracefully.”
Age: 48                   Location: Orange County, CA


Caleb is a hardworking real estate agent in Orange County, California. He works on his feet all day and has a very active lifestyle. He fears losing his mobility and flexibly as he ages and compensates with a healthy lifestyle. He would like to hone in on his career as he reaches retirement age and have fitness be as convenient as possible while still following a rigorous regime.



  • Works out 5-7 days a week before work.
  • Enjoys the caramaderie of male validation at the gym.
  • Eats out and drink on the weekends.
  • Uses FItBit for exercise tracking.
  • Values an efficient and low-effort experience when tracking.
  • Doesn't mind paying a premium fee if it saves him time.
  • To age as slowly as possible.
  • Maintain flexibility and mobility.
  • To set realistic calorie deficits with drinking and cheat days in mind.
  • To have enough energy to work on feet as well as maintain fitness regime.


Pain Points

  • To bulk and cut in order to gradually grow muscle.
  • To use tracking apps as a convince when calorie and other nutritional info aren't found.
  • Easy week-long goal setting for cheat days and drinking.
  • Gets impatient with the contrived nature of food and exercise logging.
  • Lack of male-centric communities in fitness apps.
  • Refuses to face the reality of best physical years being behind him.
  • Not understanding information about nutrition or food ingredients

Empathy Map


Caleb is looking to maintain his strength and flexibility as her ages. He follows a regimented routine and works out 5-7 days a week before work.



  • "I can't wait for my cheat day this weekend."
  • "If you eatright and exercise you can look just like me one day."
  • "Darn, there's no calorie on this beef, I'll have to scan it on my app."
  • "Too many fad diets these days, I know what's best for my body."
  • "No days off! Excellence on ly comes with determination."
  • Tries out different diets like low calorie, KETO, PALEO, Mediterranean but it doesn't work in long term
  • Cuts and bulks to build muscle gradually
  • Reserves weekends for drinking with his friends and going out for meals with his family to indulge
  • Uses FitBit watch tot rack exercise
  • Watches Inspirational influencer for inspiration



  • He hopes to look and feel like when he was 18
  • He wants more time to dedicate to health and fitness
  • To accurately document the kind of exercise and benefit he does throughout the day
  • Feels tired and hungry throughout the day
  • Anxious about aging and losing mobility and felexibility
  • He is excited about breaks and weekends to break through the mundane
  • He wants to set a good example for his sons and community as "aging like fine wine"
  • Worried about falling off routine and rapidluy regressing into an elderly man

Journey Map




Caleb wants to keep track of his calorie intake so he can indulge at his company's dinner party without completely throwing off his routine

Goals & Expectations

Caleb wants to remain energized and full throughout the week without going off track from typical routine


Caleb Jacobs, a real estate worker, needs to accommodate his calorie tracking to allow for his indulgent lifestyle without throwing off his overall progress. Still, surprisingly, he can’t do so without feeling overall guilty while food tracking & ends up tracking meals less out of guilt.

How might we encourage healthy habits rather than the pressure of a healthy lifestyle?

Sophia Gonzalez | Organized Planner
"Getting organized is a sign of self-respect.”
Age: 28                   Location: Elizabeth, NJ


Sophia lives in Elizabeth, NJ and commutes to her office in Manhattan. She works in a marketing team and was promoted to marketing manager 2 years ago. She is a high-achiever and she likes to have an organized schedule. She wants to balance her busy work schedule with a healthy lifestyle by planning things ahead.



  • Buys takeout for lunch
  • Enjoys taking group exercise classes after work
  • Goes out with friends on the weekends
  • Follows a set schedule during the weekdays
  • Values efficiency and productivity
  • Doesn't miind paying a premium fee if it's worth it
  • To maintain her current weight
  • To make healthier food choices and improve her overall health
  • To have more energy to better manage her busy schedule
  • To organize data clearly and efficiently
  • To have accurate knowledge about nutrition
  • Desires feeling of accomplishment to boost her self confidence


Pain Points

  • To easily keep track of her calorie and nutritional intake
  • To organize data clearly and efficiently
  • Easy assessment of packaged foods before purchasing
  • Too busy for constant planning and tracking
  • Not being able to see the progress she's making
  • Feelings of not being good enough
  • Being a perfectionist leads to self criticism

Empathy Map


Sophia is tracking her food intake throughout the day to make sure she's on track for her daily nutritional goals



  • "I'll grab some food after my noon meeting with the project managers."
  • "I watch what I eat during the weekdays so I can relax and have fun on the weekends."
  • "I'll just have a smoothie for lunch because I'm going out tonight."
  • "I like working out with my personal trainer. Working out is easier with a buddy"
  • "I'm trying to limit my sugar intake because it makes me feel tired."
  • Does online research about vitamin supplements
  • Checks a restaurant's menu online before going there
  • Quickly scans packaged food labels before purchasing
  • Tries being flexible with diet to not overly interfere with social life
  • Buys plant based product if they taste good
  • Does regular physical check ups and exercises regularly
  • Tries to stick to a set schedule for eating and sleeping
  • Cuts dairy because it makes her bloated and sluggish



  • Does not like being behind schedule or missing a target goal
  • Gains confidence from achieving goals and measuring her success data
  • Worries if she's a little too strict about her schedule and missing out on social interaction opportunities
  • Likes being an independent woman
  • Tends to criticize herself a little too much
  • Feels confident in controlling her own life
  • Sometimes feels the burden of social pressure for being a perfect female role model
  • Appreciates order and structure that give her guidance in life
  • Feels inspired and motivated by interacting with like minded women
  • Tries to avoid feeling emotionally overwhelmed

Journey Map


A day


Sophia is tracking her food intake throughout the day to make sure she's on track for her daily nutritional goals


Sophia is looking for an easy way to log her food and look up detailed nutritional information


Sophia, an independent young professional, needs to keep track of her daily caloric and nutritional intake because she wants to maintain her current weight. However, it shouldn’t become an emotional burden that negatively affects her self-esteem.

How might we celebrate users’ accomplishments and increase their self-confidence?

Nani Moreno | Calorie Counter
“Self care is the best form of self love."
Age: 32                  Location: Brooklyn, NY


Nani has a Bachelor's Degree in Comm and pursues a career as a Social Media Influencer making around 60k a year. On weekends she loves going out for brunch with her girl friends and her go to drink is Strawberry Mimosas. ]She finds it especially hard to eat healthy and find healthy recipes coming from a Afro Caribbean background. Her resolution for 2022 is to achieve her dream body and find a routine that works best for her.



  • Loves going out with her friends on the weekends
  • Freelance Digital Marketing and Social Media Management
  • She finds her meal prep inspiration on healthy TikTok videos but she still eats out on weekends as a reward
  • She loves reading and learning new things
  • To find the perfect routine that mworks best for her
  • To find a routine she won't fall out of and actually enjoy enough to be consistent with it
  • To find a perfect diet that will not only get her to her desired body weight but also maintain her skin, hair and nail healthy


Pain Points

  • Be the healthiest version of herself now that she is in her 30s
  • Feels like getting her health right will maintain her mental health stable
  • To achieve her dream body and find a routine that works best for her
  • Motivate her followers through her healthy lifestyle journey
  • Has tried many different diets through her teenage years and young adult life and never really has been able to stick to one
  • Can't find her traditional ethnic foods on any nutrition app she has stried to use
  • Finds that there isn't any diet that will suit her because she can't stand eating food she doen't enjoy for too long

Empathy Map


Nani is an outgoing Micro Social Media Influencer who has a cruise trip with her girlfriends this summer. She is truggling to find a nutrition and fitness routine that works best for her and won't get bored of and drop after her trip.



  • "Why does this dieting thing have to be so difficult to manage"
  • "Diet foods and healthy options are too bland and boring"
  • "I can't wait to reach my weight goal and look my best for that trip"
  • "These lifestyle changes are going to benefit me so well in the long run I am so willing to continue this after the trip"
  • "There's too many recomnendations and suggestions to do too many things"
  • Searches Pinterest and TikTok for fun healthy meals to meal prep that fits her diet plan
  • Bases her diet on eating on low calorie
  • Reserves her weekend to hanging out with her best friends and cheat days
  • Focuses on doing weekly juice cleanses and taking her daily vitamins
  • Works out 5 days a week and goes on morning runs



  • She misses her home food and hopes there is away for her to enjoy cultural meals while being able to track the calories and nutrients
  • Loves her carefree weekends with her friends and has made it a routine but wonders if her dieting will affect these outings
  • Wonders if the trends of different diet plans are worth to try and if it will hurt her health
  • She is excited to start this journey of a healthy lifestyle but feels as hse needs more help with properly logging everything
  • Weary about these attempts at a lifestyle change will not stick throughout just as the ones she has tried before
  • Wants her journey to inspire her followers on her social media platforms

Journey Map


6 Months


Nani has an upcoming cruise trip with her girlfriends. She wants to find a nutrition and fitness routine that best fits her to help achieve weight goals in preparation for her trip


Nani hopes to reach her weight goal in time for her trip and find a healthy lifestyle routine she loves enough to continue after her cruise trip.


Nani, who is trying to lose weight for an upcoming trip, needs access to a more diverse palate because her diet feels restricted to a repetitive palate. She also misses eating the traditional foods from her home country she can’t replicate due to the lack of information.

How might we dissolve the stigma around traditional food containing unhealthy ingredients?